Strive for Progress, Not Perfection

Friends, I need your help. I am struggling to stick to my workout/healthy eating routine (I don’t want to call it a diet, because a diet is just a fad, I want this to last). Some of you may look at me and think that I don’t need to lose any weight and that I am crazy for having this goal, but my body composition has certainly changed from what it used to be. I know this happens to most as we get older and don’t continue to be as active, but the change in my body regardless of how minimal it may appear, feels so much different than what it used to be. Going from pushing my body to it’s limits with two-a-days as a college athlete to rarely working out has made a huge difference, and not in a good way! Ideally, I would like to lose 8 pounds, but if I am toning and leaning out, I don’t really care about the final number on the scale… after all, muscle does weigh more than fat. With all of the said, I think I can hold myself more accountable if I share my progress with you. So here it goes, today starts the day I share this journey. I plan on kicking it into high gear without a gym membership but instead at home with plyometric circuits, high intensity training, yoga and running. I want to strive for progress, not perfection!

Current Weigh-In:

Weight: 135.2 lbs | Fat Percentage: 25.1% | Activity Level: Low (running and yoga a couple of times a week, very sporadic)

Photo Mar 10, 11 14 05 PM

Let’s do this!

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a multi-passionate business owner & mama just trying to figure it all out

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